Monday, May 5, 2014

Guess what!

I know, I know. It's been a while. I won't even apologize. That's old by now. I decided it's probably good to do an update when something major has happened. So, I am still with O.C. and we are still happy. Boring, right? Actually, for me it's not boring, it's fantastic. But it's nothing new, which I guess is boring, technically. Anyway, I'm rambling. So here are the updates:

O.C. and I are engaged!

It deserves its own line. I had a pretty sweet plan so if she said no it would've been a huge buzz-kill, although I was pretty confident. So as you know blog, I met O.C. on a blind date at a trendy restaurant in a city close to us (it's so weird talking in code since I've been out for the most part the last couple years). And every year on the anniversary of the day we met and had an amazing first date, we go back and sit in the same two seats at the bar to celebrate. It seemed obvious then that I would propose at this place on this day. I contacted the owner, told him my plan and he was totally on board to make whatever accommodations I needed. By the end of it all, he reserved the seats for us, created her her own sandwich for that night based on her favorite foods and then had their own local artist (who does all the menus and other artwork) create a poster drawing of O.C. and I sitting at the bar with said sandwich smiling and at the top it said "Let's keep this honeymoon going. Will you marry me? Feb. 27, 2014". It was AMAZING!! And it got me a "yes" so I am happy. 

The next day we drove down to visit one of my very best friends for the weekend to celebrate my birthday and our new engagement only to find out she planned a surprise engagement/birthday party for me/us! It was super cute. It was a really fun weekend and it made me so thankful to be surrounded by such great people. I have always been very lucky in that respect. Sadly, however, the day we got back from our mini vaca, O.C. was unloading my guitar from the back of the car and she slipped on the snowy curb and broke her ankle. She just went back to work after 2 months of being out!! And she still might need surgery. I like to joke it's a good thing she said yes, otherwise she'd have been screwed and helpless without me. Even if she broke my heart I'd probably still help her until she was better. Because I like the pain, historically speaking.

Speaking historically of people who brought me pain, I haven't contacted Natalie in over a year. I barely check in on her anymore. Curiosity will always be there. Plus the fact that I know she puts her entire life online draws in my curiosity even more sometimes. She moved to New York City. Brooklyn to be specific. From Portland, OR. She went from the biggest hipster city in the country to the 2nd biggest hipster city. And she is a giant hipster. She wasn't when I knew her, but I guess I could have seen it coming. She left her wife. Did I ever mention that? It's been over a year I think. It's hard to say since I don't stalk her regularly. I have an aunt who lives in Brooklyn, and I'm going to be visiting her for 2 days in the last week of May. O.C. will not be going. I'll be with my sister though. Part of me is super tempted to show up at the hipster coffee shop where she works and see if she's there. I know this makes O.C. uncomfortable, but the last time I saw Natalie, it was so tragic and pathetic. And I don't feel that way about her at all anymore. I guess it's mostly just curiosity again and I would love to see her face when I walk in. It would most likely be incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. But when else would I see her? Maybe that's the point though. Why do I need to see her again? I don't like things being unfinished or unresolved. But I don't know if this is unresolved. It'll be 5 years in September that I met her, and 3 months after that that I saw her for the last time. I dunno. I won't do it if O.C. doesn't want me to. Maybe I'll email her. No, that seems like a dumb idea even as I type it. Maybe I'll just leave it alone all together. That approach has given the best results for me. 

Okay well those are the updates. See ya in a year, haha!

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