Saturday, March 20, 2010

Date # 3 tomorrow!

Ok so this is good. This feels good. I have high hopes. Date # 3 is tomorrow. It's an afternoon date. We're going to the zoo. I think it's a pretty cute idea, myself. And not just cuz it was mine. Who doesn't like to see all the cute, furry, wild animals in their unnatural habitat of cages and fences? Ok well maybe I won't pitch it like that next time. But I think it's a good way to get outside and enjoy the weather, and talk, and just enjoy each other's company.

I'm excited to see her again. It'd be too soon to say i miss her and I know that. But I'm just so excited to keep getting to know her. It's an awesome and scary feeling in these beginning stages of dating. I hope she knows I like her. I hope she feels the same. But who the hell knows really? It's so easy to continually doubt myself. Thankfully she keeps responding to me with positive feedback, so i know I'm doing something right at least.

I was kinda shyer, more passive on Tuesday. I'd like to be a little more aggressive tomorrow. Not too much. But it's important to keep moving this thing forward and to be honest, more than anything right now, I really, really, truly.... just want to kiss her. Like, in the movies. Not induced by alcohol aka liquid courage. But in the moment, we both feel it, I'm nervous as shit but still go for it, kiss her. It's making me grin like a fool just thinking about it. I know I can. I mean I kissed her after our first date. I wasn't drunk then. Had a few drinks over 8 hours, but not drunk. But that was before I had all this time to think about how much I like her. I tend to over think things sometimes so I have to force myself to play it cool. And I need to remember, she's probably just as nervous as me.

Well I better get to sleep so I don't over sleep the big zoo date extravaganza! That would be sad. I'll report back with the details once I have them! :) Night!

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