Sunday, March 21, 2010

Zoo Date

I picked her up at noon. We started early so work wouldn't completely suck for her the next day when I kept her out all night. I picked her up and we went to the zoo. It was supposed to be 61 degrees and sunny, so I figured it was a good idea. But it didn't feel like 61. It felt 51 and breezy. And she's always cold, so I kinda felt like an ass. But she was a sport about it. I kinda had to keep the conversation going, which actually has always been the case, but as soon as I found a good subject, she kept up. She still makes me laugh. I like that.

So the zoo was fun. We scowled at all of the annoying little children, and oooh'd and ahhh'd at the animals. And then we went to a trendy neighboring town and grabbed a late lunch. Well, first we went to a bar and had an afternoon beer. And THEN we got some food. By the time that was over it was around 5 or so. So we started heading back to her place, and i successfully parallel parked (after 3 attempts) and she invited me in. Woo hoo! Haha yeah don't get too excited, it wasn't like that. Only in my mind, it was. She has a really cute house that she rents, with very little furniture. So  we had a beer and watched this really funny show for a a little bit and then she was like 'my house is boring, do you wanna do something else like see a movie".

Now, this is the second time that she has extended our evening while on a date. And maybe I should have played harder to get instead of over eager beaver (haha I said beaver) but I like spending time with her and I'm really bad at playing the game, so  I was like yeah let's do it. So I drove us to the nearest theater and we saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D which btw, is freakin' expensive as shit! $27 for two tickets cuz you got those damn glasses with it. That's okay, I didn't really mind. Now this is going to sound really childish. Are you ready? I totally wanted to hold her hand the whole movie. Like I tried to and then I stopped cuz I felt dumb. But it was on my mind the while time. I realize that's really not the 24 yr old thing to say, but sometimes I feel so new at this stuff that I just sound like an inexperienced kid.

I decided in the movie though that I would definitely kiss her at the end of the night. Like for sure. It was a done deal, just a matter of time. When the movie ended we headed back to her house and I told her I'd walk her to her door. Now, here's where it gets confusing for me. We spent the last 9 and a half hours together right? She thanked me for spending the day with her. She smiled a lot. She said she had fun. You'd think this is where our romantic moment movie kiss would happen, right? Except that I felt like she kissed me just to get it over with. Like, I was ready to move in slowly, make it kinda sexy/romantic as much as an awkward girl like me can and she like leaned in, pecked me 3 times and stopped. (I'm starting to laugh as I type this, realizing how ridiculous this sounds.) I tried to keep it going a little bit but she ended that real quick, while smiling, but still saying "we're not going to make out for 30 minutes again" and I said whyyy nottt? ha ha. (No seriously, why not?) I'm not saying I'm trying to get in her pants. It's not like that at all, but if I spend my afternoon and night with you and we both had a good time and we are interested in each other, i think a little kissing is okay, right? And then she said, 'as much as I want to... we can't. What does that mean? We can...if you just let it happen? I didn't push it too much, seeing as that would be creepy and highly uncool. So I said have a good night and off I went. But seriously, what's that about? Am I in the friend zone? Am I expecting too much too fast? We made out for half hour in the parking lot of where we went on our first date and she was all about it. Now it's like... confusing.

Well all of that aside, I had fun with her. I still like her. I want to see her again, but I won't initiate it for a while. According to my friends, I need to start playing the game better and making myself less available. So less texting, less availability. Less less less. This is why I hate the game. It's such a clusterfuck of confusion for me. Nothing is ever as it seems, so I'm left questioning if I did the right thing or if she'll still like me if I do this or don't do that. I love women, but this dating thing gives me a head ache! I'm off to bed. I'm sleepy. Niiiight!


  1. I really hate the game. I had a situation almost exactly like this happen to me. It's like "what do you want from me???" Girls can be so impossible to read.
