Sunday, March 21, 2010

Indecisive as always

I'm having trouble deciding on a color scheme for my blog. Bear with me. It will change again soon! I need to master the design of blogs so I can make the coolest one possible! haha I'm such a nerd. I'll figure it out though.

In other news, O.C. texted me this morning. Twice. I'm truly confused by her. Sometimes I just wanna be like listen, what's the deal? I like you, I think you like me. Where is this going? But I won't, cuz that would not be playing the game right. So I'll just sit here, twiddling my thumbs, changing the font colors on my blog, waiting for a sign or a clear cut answer to my life's dilemmas. Ha, I'm passive like that.

Here's a question. Although I'm not entirely sure who is all reading my blog, (but thank you for those of you who do), but I wonder are the rules for hetero dating the same as same sex? I was talking to my  best guy friend about it last night. He says I'm absolutely sucking at the game right now. I'm chasing her. She has all the control. I need to act like I don't care & let her come to me. Basically I need to back off and if she wants me she'll work for it. But I don't operate like that. I just wanna hang out, be cute and dorky instead of trying to play it cool (which is realllly not my style haha), and see what happens. The girl he's dating now he says he never calls her first, never asks to hang out and they've been dating for like 5 months. Why does that work? Do I need to do that? If anyone has insight for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. What's a girl to do?

Alright, off to fill out some paper work for the new job tomorrow. Latas!

1 comment:

  1. Relationships are give and take. She shouldn't have to contact you all the time, and you shouldn't have to contact her all the time. No one should be chasing so everything is mutual and on even footing.
