Thursday, March 18, 2010


So drinks date went awesome!! It actually turned into dinner too. And then we went to her favorite bar after that. Her idea. I knew she had to work the next morning, so  wasn't trying to keep her out late, but she suggested the place after dinner so of course I was cool with that. I really wanted to kiss her by the end of the night. Like really, really bad. But instead, in my typical awkward fashion, I kinda stalled and made a comment about being awkward. Lucky for me, she thinks it's charming. So she told me t get in my car, which sounds mean but i think it was kinda cute. And then she asked what I was doing Saturday and said we should hang out.  :) :) :) I tried to play it cool and not smile like it was the best suggestion I ever heard, but I'm pretty sure she knew. The cool thing is she was smiling like that too.

Now, I don't wanna get tooooo excited cuz I got this excited after our first date and then I didn't see her for two weeks. But it is a little different because we're already planning to hang out on Saturday. I just really don't wanna screw this up but I'm still learning the rules of dating. I told one of my friends/college mentors that I'm pretty sure I'm gay and she was really cool about it but had lots of questions, especially about who I was dating and what the dynamic is between two women and how do you know when to call, who pays, who makes the moves, who calls who, all of that. And I was like, those are great questions and I'm just kinda wingin in on all of them! She (O.C) did pick up the tab this time for our first drinks and our dinner, which i didn't expect but it was nice. She was like you paid last time it's my turn. So she plays fair. I like that.

I'm hopeful this keeps going in a good direction. If I just play it cool, I think it will. Sounds simple. If only I knew how to do that! Ha. Basically I need to fight all my instincts and let things happen. I do have to plan something fun for Saturday. The zoo maybe? Maybe but it might be too cold. I'll keep you posted on my decision. I'm off to go recover from my St. Patty's Day  hangover!

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