Friday, November 5, 2010

Catching Up

I'm the worst blogger ever anymore. My apologies. I just have 80 thousand other things to do that I'm putting off already, what's one more? I'll try and give the brief but accurate overview of the last month and a half or so.

So I kept wanting to talk to Natalie but I didn't know if I should or not. I decided on a whim one day to say hi to her on gchat. She didn't answer. She was at work, or away, or didn't know what to do. Either way, I decided after that to leave it alone. I didn't need to talk to her and I sure as hell wasn't going to chase her again. Ever again. I thought that was it. Then a week later, she said Hi to me on gchat. She said she saw my message a week ago but couldn't respond cuz she was at work. We proceeded to talk for then next 30 minutes or so. It was calm and casual. She told me about her new job, and I about mine. I told her I came out to my mom and sister and she was very surprised and impressed about that. We discussed my music and the recording of my CD that's about to happen. She told me how hipster she's become living in portland. And then we kinda decided to be occasional online chat friends. That desire was a little bit stronger than it is now. Like, it's nice to have the option I guess, cuz I don't like when things end on a sour note, but I don't feel like we need to talk ALL that much.  She was in Cleveland two weekends ago. I thought for a split second I'd want to see her. But I didn't and I don't and I'm glad we didn't cross paths. It would be non-productive and pointless, for both of us. I'm glad we're civil. That's all I need.

O.C. and I are still doing great. Her school is picking up as far as intensity. She's basically got a test every week and is in the OR two days a week. By the new year it will be 5 days a week. She's doing really well. All A's on her tests and surgery has gone well. I know it's a stressful time though. She says having me around helps calm her. I like that. I can't really help her study but i can keep her sane.

She met my sister the other night briefly as the open mic I just started hosting. It was awkward only because I feel like my sister is a bit awkward about it. I think she doesn't understand why she's just meeting her now after 6 months, so I tried to explain that I had to make sure O.C. was ready to meet my family given our relationship and her knowing and all of that. She didn't seem to get it. Oh well, at least they had an introduction.

Overall, life is going fairly well. I'm adjusting to my new job and getting along with  the people. I'm moving forward with getting my CD recorded. Then it's off to fame and fortune. :) I'll try and be more consistent with these posts, but no promises. Happy Friday!!

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