Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

Has it been over a month since I've posted? Yeah, that sounds about right. It's not like nothing ha happened. Tons of stuff has. Really good stuff. But I get this laziness (almost just typo'd leziness haha) after a while of doing something. Anything really. Even if I like it. Like posting, or writing songs, or promoting myself so that I can one day be a famous singer-songwriter or published writer. It becomes a task more than anything. P.S. I'm listening to a really good song right now. It's "Breathe Again" by Sara Bareilles. She's very good. I saw her live this summer at Lilith Fair. How gay of me, right? I saw lots of lezzies that day.

Ok back from A.D.D. land. It's a new year, I must write a new post!

So O.C. and I are STILL doing great. We're still happy and in love and all that jazz. But I see us progressing to a real relationship. Let me clarify. I hate the term 'honeymoon stage' because I don't like to think our happiness is a stage. But we're getting more and more comfortable with each other, so our true feelings are coming out more. Both good and bad. Not even bad, just matter of fact. Instead of seeing her later maybe, it's when am i going to see you and if it's longer than a night i need to know and please don't keep me waiting too long. I get it. I miss her a ton too but, i don't know. Sometimes I still need my alone time too. I feel bad saying that though. I don't want less of her, I just need a little bit for me. It's not a huge deal. I think this is natural. I am adjusting to life as a "we" instead of just life as a "me". It's worth it. She is absolutely worth it.

Work is going very well. Quite a change from the summer when I hated my job and my bosses and my life from 9-5 everyday. I like working with different people everyday in the service industry. Yeah I meet some crazies and deal with some BS, but I really like my boss and it will never be as bad as my last job. A few weeks ago I got this award from the CEO of the company for writing a little jingle about their product. I wrote it without any intent of it getting farther than the open mic I host, but I guess everything happens for a reason, and this did. I can tell some of my co-workers are not too thrilled. I don't know if it's jealousy or if they just want someone to be mad at because I haven't been with the company very long and already so much is happening for me. I don't really care much though. I'm doing my thing and that's all that matters.  No one knows I'm gay at work. Well, with the exception of my boss' boss' boss. He's the one who got my song to the CEO. He's been very helpful and supportive of me the last few weeks and was totally cool when I came out to him. It's nice to know I can find advocates higher up the ladder too.  Who knows where everything will lead but I'm excited to find out.

What else? I'm on my 2nd beer of the night, in bed mind you, after an 8.5 hour shift. I don't feel like thinking anymore. I feel like drifting off after a few quick final swallows. That's a strange thing to say. So I'll leave you with that. Who knows when I'll write again so HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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