Sunday, February 20, 2011

Past, Present, Future

So I spent my Saturday night cleaning my room with O.C. It's my first attempt to get organized in preparation for moving out of my parents and in with her. It's a big step and a necessary one. I'm almost 25, it's time to grow up.

So while I was cleaning my room, I kept stumbling upon little notes from Natalie. I threw one out, and kept buried a few others. It was a weird feeling. I felt guilty not throwing them all away, but part of me wants to keep them as a memento. Even though it ended poorly, probably never should have happened and will never happen again, there is a small part of me that likes to remember that time in my life. I don't know if that's wrong or bad, or if it's normal. I also don't want to throw it in O.C.'s face, so keeping it out of sight seems like the only way.

O.C. and I are coming up on a year since our first date. It's hard to believe it's been a year already, but at times I feel like I've known her forever. It's been a pretty amazing 365 days. We've been through good and bad, but we've done it together and as corny as that sounds, it's so true. I'm so thankful she is in my life. I really do love her.

She came out to her sister last week. We pretty much assumed she knew already but now she officially knows. She was supportive and I've talked to her since. Everything is still cool. That makes me happy. So now her dad and sister knows. And my mom and sister knows. The jury is still out on either of our remaining parents. Perhaps they know and choose not to acknowledge. No need to find out right now though. Ignorance is bliss.

Alright I have to go watch a friend perform an acoustic show at a coffee shop. Thanks for reading!


  1. Yey! Yey! Yey! you finally posted! I love reading this blog. I'm surprised you still want to hold onto Natalie. She seemed so wrong for you and broke your heart why do you want to remember that time in your life? I think you should focus on what you have, but from your previous posts your girlfriend actually wouldn't care either way. Which is pretty cool.


    Oh and your post about your dog passing away made me cry :(

  2. Congrats on a year. I like reading this blog (I found it on AE) and even though you are posting less I still enjoy checking in.
