Thursday, May 26, 2011

This is going to be quick but that's okay. Here are some updates. First, I'm set to move out of my parents and in with O.C. by next week. I bought the car from my parents (for a higher price than I thought necessary but whatever) and will be free from them soon! Not that I don't love my parents and appreciate all they do for me, but I'll surely go crazy if I don't get out on my own like now! 25 is too old for chores I've been doing since I was 13.

I'm excited to live with O.C. I think it will work out great. We have practically been living together for like 6 or 7 months anyway. I'm excited to have my own space And also amspace where we can be ourselves. We're thinking of having a little house warming once I get settled and all my stuff put away. But we can only invite people who know about us. That severly limits O.C.s list and a little bit of mine. It just makes me realize how stupid it is that I have to hide who I am and what our relationship is. But I guess that's life and society right now. Oh also, once I get settled we're planning on getting a puppy!! Yay puppies. Yellow, female, English lab puppy. WAit til you see pictures, cutesy puppy ever!

Alright that's all for now. I gotta get ready for work. Thanks for reading my blog and bearing with the inconsistent posting. Sorry in advance for the typos!

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