Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2 thoughts before bed

1. Being the "guy" is tough. What I mean by that is, as a straight girl, your job is to be cute, make the guys want you, and be pursued. It's how it's always been. I know some situations are different, but for the most part this is how it works. And I also know some gay girls don't chase either, but I'm talking in generalizations. I am finding myself in new territory lately. It's not necessarily a bad thing. There are aspects of this new role that I really like. I like taking care of the person I'm with, or trying to be with. Simple things like opening doors, paying for dinner, things like that. I like it. But the part I'm new to is playing the role of the guy- the chase. The pursuer. I can't imagine having to do this as a teenager, like guys actually do. Where would you get the nerve to put yourself out there and ask a girl out, having no idea if she'll shoot you down to your face or surprise the hell out of you and say yes. You can have all the confidence in the world, but I don't care who you are, asking a girl out is nerve wrecking! Not even so much asking her out, but continually pursuing her, trying to read her mind, her intentions, her interest in you. I'm not saying I'm not up for the challenge... I'm just saying, it's tricky and I have new respect for anyone who does it.

2. I forgot how much fun it is to have a crush. All that uncertainty aside, the excitement you feel when you're first getting to know someone is amazing. I love thinking about the possibility of something great. It makes me smile. Yay for crushes on cute, smart, funny girls. :)

So all I have to do is play it cool, say and do all the right things, and hopefully my crush will turn into awesome possibilities. :) Alright, time for sleeeep. Nighto!

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