Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Sheeeeee liiiiikes meeeee! Booyah!

I need to think of nicknames for people. So the girl from my date we'll call her.... well, let me think about it, haha. I'll get back to you!

Time for work! Boring, boring work. Maybe I'll talk to her on Facebook all day again. No, I can't talk to her again for another day. I have to play the game, right? But I'll be thinking about her and smiling all day. That'll be fun. Ok I'm a dork, I'm leaving. Byyyyyye/


  1. there was no checkbox for "yay! that's awesome!" so i'm posting a comment here. btw, i found the link to your blog as i was reading through the AE forums, and i've started reading your posts from the beginning. thanks for sharing your experiences, i can relate to some of them, especially this statement "How do you come out when you don't know what you're coming out as? I'm just me." i'm about your age, and i'm still figuring out things for myself as well. so thanks again for sharing your experiences

  2. I just saw this comment, I'm sorry! Thanks for reading my blog. The more I do this and get feedback, the better I feel about it. It's scary stuff, but we're really not as alone as we think we are.
