Friday, April 30, 2010

Something to smile about

She's not feeling well tonight. She has a cough that won't quit. So after work, I picked up some cough drops and green tea for her and just sat with her while she laid in bed. We ended up talking from like 6:30-11:00. About everything. A lot of childhood memories, past relationships, embarrassing family stories and more. It sounds so simple but it really made me happy to be there with her talking about this stuff. We didn't have to be out to dinner or drinking to have a good time. And have I mentioned lately how funny she is? Gosh, she really knows how to make me laugh. I love that about her. I can't exactly put it into words right now, but being with her, even just in the same room telling goofy stories, makes me feel so content. So happy. And no guilt or sadness to follow. Just happy. It's so refreshing. She makes me feel lucky.

I hope she feels better soon. I won't see her tomorrow because I have a show, she has to work and then her mom is coming into town. But Saturday I'll see her again and I'm hoping she'll get to meet some of my friends. I'm excited to show her off. What an awesome person she is, and she's with me! :) Well, this is a short one but I am pooped so I'm passin' out. Night.

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