Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Happy Place

I have a new happy place. Well, I guess it's not new. It's been developing for two months. But it's pretty well established at this point. I like to go to it even when I don't need cheering up. It's incredibly nice when your happy place is also your reality. I'm pretty lucky like that. Don't think I haven't realized that. I'm quite aware. And I won't be taking it for granted. I'm also going to enjoy it, because it's been a long road getting here!

I won't be seeing O.C. til tomorrow. The good news is though that I saw her last night. So that should hold me over for another 8 hours or so. It will be close though. I may start missing her before then. Oh who am I kidding, i miss her right now! I'm such a sap. I'm hopeless really. But I think it's a good thing. I have a surprise for her tomorrow. A small one. More of a gesture really, but it's my attempt at being cute and thoughtful. I don't want to jinx it so I won't give details til after it happens. But I hope she likes it.

Ok I know this is a short one, sorry. It's Sat. night though. I gots to go! Peace.

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