Thursday, June 17, 2010


Wow. I was just thinking about how I've fallen off the blog face of the earth. Work has really taken up a lot of my time and energy lately. Which sucks, because it's not where I want to be. But it is what it is.

Minus the stress of work, life is great for me. O.C. is still the best girlfriend ever. She's supportive, insightful, hilarious, smart, motivated... I'll stop. You're probably getting nauseous just reading me talking about it. I know I'm a cheese ball. Her b-day is the day after our two month anniversary, which I will say, I have a pretty good surprise for her on our anniversary. I can't say what it is yet in case she discovers this blog and reads it. Actually, I've offered that to her and she declined saying everyone deserves to keep private what they want. How great is she???

Well before I pass out here, because i will soon, let me make my final comments. My mom and sister are still cool since I came out to them. Work is stressful beyond words. Oh yeah, I ordered a tenor ukulele for under $300 today. Can't wait to try it out. What else? I have two shows this weekend with two very talented young women. And soon I'll be recording this album. I have high hopes for 85% of my life. Ok I'm losin it i gotta go to bed. Night!

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