Friday, July 16, 2010

Hot dogs and the 'L' word

Two things that seem very unrelated? But they are related I promise. Here's how:

First, hot dogs. O.C. is a vegetarian. She'll eat fish and occasionally some chicken, but for the most part, not a meat eater. At the top of her list of foods that gross her out is hot dogs. I am a meat eater. My favorite food is steak cooked medium rare. Still, somehow, we manage to make it work. I also love, as in crave from time to time, hot dogs. I know it's gross, cuz of what hot dogs are made of (all the left over shit from the animal) but had no one ever told me that, I would never have known the difference! Why am I telling you all of this about hot dogs? Because my girlfriend, who does not eat meat, who the last time she ate a hot dog threw up immediately afterwards, my amazing girlfriend made me hot dogs for dinner. Why? Because she knows how much I like them. She went to the store, bought hot dogs, hot dog buns, ketchup and mustard. Now, I don't know about any of you, but I think that is the cutest freaking gesture in the entire world and speaks volumes about her character and the type of person she is. The day my girlfriend made me hot dogs, I knew I was falling in love.

Speaking of falling in love, let's talk about the L word. No, not the show, the actual word. Love. She told me she was falling in love with me about two weeks ago. I kinda said it back. But mostly I didn't. It's not that I didn't feel it, I was just afraid to say it. But i decided it was important for her to know how I feel. If she was brave enough to put her feelings out there, then I should be too. So I did. And it was just as scary as I thought it would be. But incredibly rewarding immediately after.  One of the coolest things was that we were discussing us exchanging I love you's and I told her I was afraid to say it and she, all on her own, brought up exactly what I was thinking as far as it being tainted because I used it once before with Natalie. She said it means just as much and not to worry. I couldn't believe. This girl just leaves me speechless time and time again.

So I am in love with my girlfriend. It is such a drastic difference from what i thought I had with Natalie. It's like comparing chopped liver to filet mignon. (haha sorry I couldn't help but make another meat reference). It frustrates me that I put so much into something so superficial. But now I have the real thing and it is something I will never take for granted. Next week will be 3 months for us. I can't wait for it to be 3 years. Is that weird to say? I just mean I can't wait to be with her and learn as much as I can about her and experience so many things together and just have that security and comfort from a really sound relationship. I'm not even worried about jinxing it. This isn't something that can be broken easily. We are too legit to quit. :)

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