Monday, July 26, 2010

Moving Forward!

I am overwhelmed in the best way. I'm happy. That's been almost as difficult to say as it was for me to come out. To say I'm happy and truly mean it has been a long time coming.

I lost my job about 3 weeks ago. It's for the best. I was becoming someone else, someone I didn't like. It's very trying and stressful to go into a job everyday that you don't like. I did it for four months and that was more than enough. I was angry and bitter. I would get short with people who had nothing to do with my unhappiness. I was losing my patience, which let me tell you, is quite a feat.  I've been through a lot of crap in my life and should be a lot more cynical and impatient than I am. But it was only a job. And now it's gone. Out of my life. I am free from the burden it was putting on me. And it feels great. I feel great. This loss has absolutely been my gain and is part of the reason I can say I am truly happy.

With my newfound unemployment, and my future staring me in the face, it is time for me to make a decision. And I have decided to follow my dreams. I'm going to pursue my music and see where it takes me. I'd be a fool to think that what my future holds for me is anything but unpredictable. If I've learned anything in my 24 yrs of life and many mistakes it's that most things are rarely what they seem. There are exceptions to that rule of course, but to think that I won't have struggles along the way would be silly. But if I don't go for it now, I'll wonder my whole life what could have been. So I'm doing it. I'm going to record my CD this summer. I'm going to make promoting myself, booking myself, and spreading my music a priority. Right up there with family, friends and love.

I heard 24 was supposed to be a great year. It's definitely been life changing and inspiring; filled w/ love, excitement and we can't forget heartache. This is the best combination a songwriter could ask for. Now let's go get me that Grammy!

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