Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm Not Ready

Something happened. It got personal. I know acceptance isn't everyones first instinct when it comes to homosexuality. I know it's still an uphill battle to be treated like everyone else and not frowned upon, judged, stereotyped, overlooked, and hated. I know this. But I always knew it in theory, or through hearsay. I only knew someone who knew someone who felt that wrath. But yesterday it got personal. And I don't like it. Minor as it may seem to some people, it's really upsetting me. I'm not ready to be treated differently, or have the girl I love treated differently solely because we are in a homosexual relationship. It's bullshit, to be honest.

Here's what I know. One of my friend's parents are not accepting at all of the lifestyle. They think homosexuality is wrong. They think it's a sin. And I'm pretty sure they think it's a choice. I haven't really spoken with them at length about it, but i know from conversations with my friend that this is how they feel. I'm pretty close with the family and have been for going on six years. They've helped me through bad times, celebrated with me in good times and in general been awesome to me. They're like my second family.

But yesterday I got a text from this friend, out of no where, that her dad is onto me and O.C. (Her dad met O.C. one time, about a month and a half ago. They spoke for all of 5 minutes. She wasn't dressed all "dykey" and we weren't being affectionate at all. We keep our relationship hidden from them. It was a very general, hi nice to meet you, brief encounter.) That being said, you see why I might be confused by this text. I asked her why she said that and she replied "BECAUSE HE TOLD ME HE THINKS SHE'S A LESBIAN!" This only confused me more. "What? How did he come to that conclusion? How did this even come up? This doesn't make sense." I wanted to say more, but it's hard to put into words what I was feeling, especially in a text. She ended up calling me because she sensed I was getting upset.

"Don't be mad at Dad. He was just being honest."  I'm not mad. Not yet. She broke down more specifically what he said. She said he brought it up on his own, mentioning that there was something  "odd" about O.C. She asked what he meant by that and he said, "I don't know, I think O.C. is a lesbian. But you said you've hung out with her and she's nice, so maybe I'm wrong."  Okay, NOW I'm mad. I didn't realize it was one or the other. Either you're nice and straight, or gay and odd.  He doesn't even know her. My friend sensed I was getting angry and got a little defensive for her dad. They are family. I get that. And I know he is a good man. But I think this is fucked up. Why does one label that HE gave HER immediately discredit everything she has to offer. Whether you "agree" with homosexuality or not, whether you think it's a choice or not, this kind of response and immediate judgement is wrong.

I'm not ready to be treated differently by those who are supposed to care about me. And who I care about back. You're damn right I'm upset. And it is a big deal. I wish they both saw why.

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