Friday, April 22, 2011

365 Days Later

So today is Earth Day. That's exciting. Not because I love trees and God's green earth. I mean, I do. I'm happy to be here, but this day is special for another reason. This day a year ago, I was about to become O.C.'s girlfriend. I kid her because when she thought we had already established our relatipnship, I was worried it might not happen in my favor. Ah, communication is a funny thing. Luckily, once I confronted the issues head on, it all became clear. We were going to give this commitment thing a try. And I must say, it's worked out swimmingly!

It's hard to believe it will be a year tomorrow (well, technically today, but we celebrate tomorrow because it was so cloes to midnight by the time I asked her to be my gf and plus, who wants to share their special day with another holiday?!). We've been through a lot in this year, but when I look back all I really focus on are the good things. That's a good sign right?

A friend of mine recently became aware of my blog and read it in it's entirety for the first time. He learned a lot about me that he didn't know, but one thing he said for sure that was crystal clear is that she makes me happy. Happier than I've ever been before. It's true. I can't imagine my life without her and have trouble remembering life before it. How dull and lonely it must have been. (Well, I don't know about dull. I may have managed to make my own excitement but I'll give you two guesses how it always turned out!)

So it' me and O.C.'s one year anniversary tomorrow and I have nothing planned. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something cute, fun, creative and cheap to do. Since I'm moving in with her at the end of May, I need to be saving as much money as I can. But I've come up blank as far as ideas. I feel like a failure. I pride myself on originality and creativity and I've got nothing to show for it. You'd think she'd have a song of hers by now, but she doesn't. I've tried writing it too, but nothing seems good enough. I feel bad. I want to show her how much I love her, not just say it. That doesn't make the day special. I tell her I love her like 20x a day anyways.

I had an idea about three days ago that I thought of doing originally like 6 months ago. Although I think it's better now because I have more to work with. But I thought it might be a cute idea to take all the entries about her from my blog and make it into a little book so she could have a chronicle of our relationship from start to now. I read her my blog once back in like July of last year maybe. She has known about it since like April, but says she feels guilty reading it because it's my personal diary. I can understand that. But if I make her her own copy with only the entries about her, maybe she won't feel so bad about it and can actually have fun with it.  I think it's a good idea that just came to me a few weeks too late. So maybe this can be her year and one month gift.

I'll let you know how it goes. I know she has something planned for me because my best friend nonchalantly may have hinted towards it and then I asked her. While she won't tell me what she's doing, she has admitted to be planning something. She's so cute. Can't wait to see what it is!

On that note, Happy Earth Day and thanks for reading!

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