Friday, April 8, 2011

Moving Forward

So my last post is making me laugh out loud. Why did I think it was going to be a good night taking my girlfriend to the strip club with me? Haha I live and I learn, right?

It's been a good week so far. Nothing too exciting has been happening. Sometimes, just having normalcy and routine is the best thing though. Soon, the normalcy and routine will be changing, because I plan to move in with O.C. at the end of May. I've practically been living there since the summer anyways, but now I won't have to drive 25 minutes south every time I want to change my clothes or get something from my room. Cuz it will be here, with her. I just feel like the time to get out and be on my own is now. My parents keep finding it necessary to remind me that I "don't have very high earning power" which maybe is their not as cute way of telling me they don't want me to leave. But it's time. I need to grow up.

So a big anniversary is coming up. Our year anniversary. Before O.C., I hadn't dated anyone longer than about 2 months. I hated the thought of being tied down to the same person for fear of boredom and feeling trapped. But everyday is better than the last with her. She has made the best year of my life possible, even if things went wrong all around me, and they did. But she somehow makes the bad seem less bad and the good so amazing. I can't decide what we should do to celebrate this momentous day. Should I surprise her? Should we plan something together? We're taking a roadtrip to KY to see Sara Bareilles the week before, so big travel plans are probably not the way to go. Plus I'm going with her St. Louis for her brother's Commissioning in the middle of may (he's going to be an Army Officer). So that's more money and traveling. We should do something around here.

I feel like one thing I could and should do is write her a song and perform it on our anniversary. I've been trying to put all of her amazing-ness into one song and make it clever and perfect but that's a tall order, even for me. Sometimes, the closer the story is, the harder it is to write it. But it's not a reflection of her. She has been and continues to be one of the greatest people I know and there's nothing I want more than to write her the perfect song to show her how much she means to me. Maybe I'll work on that today.

On that note, I think I'm going to take off for a bit. Thanks for reading, whoever you all are! :)

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